It will take a minute for most Baby Boomers or Gen X’s or, whichever generations it concerns, for Queen’s debut album’s 50th anniversary to dawn on them. It’s these moments you remind yourself to savour the taste of your food or take a minute to look out of the window to regard a precious passing moment, because we forget that time just flies by.
Said album was named uniquely after the band themselves, Queen, which was released in 1973 after having released their debut single earlier that year “Keep Yourself Alive”. Being one of the biggest bands of all time, BBC Radio 2 have decided to celebrate, in their honour, by opening a vote to the public. The electorate are to vote for “Your Ultimate Queen Song”. Rather intriguing in the anticipation for the final results to come through.
The fact that Queen have, collectively, released 15 studio albums, 10 live albums, 73 singles and 11 box sets, gives the radio host, as well as the electorate, a rather complicated mission to sift through the endless alternatives in question. As amusing as it would be to witness such attempt, BBC have given a narrowed down selection of the bands releases to be up for grabs. Only a-sides and double a-sides are included. No b-sides or album tracks will be chucked into the mix. However, there is one exception. The original recording of “We Will Rock You” was on the b-side to “We Are The Champions” so, both having been played together on the radio when first originally released, they will be included within the list as a one option to vote for.
When the album first came out, it didn’t quite match the proper feedback to be considered a successful release. In fact, it took the LP a good year to reach charted achievements. The following March in 1974, the final song of the bands debut album “Seven Seas Of Rhye” rocketed up to the UK’s top number 10. It was then that the band had an official hit within their repertoire, a Freddie Mercury piece of craft.
Ever since, the band have been considered the pioneers of the music industry. Having sold 300 million records worldwide they have come to be one of the biggest record selling artists of all time. They broke industry boundaries throughout their musical journey by following their passion and desire for music, rooted with Mercury’s unique dazzling stance, instead of plummeting down to being crowd pleasers. Nonetheless, they resulted in pleasing the crowd very much so. Six minute songs, mind-boggling harmonies and unforgettable shows lead them to being inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, Hollywood Walk Of Fame, Songwriters Hall of Fame, UK Music Hall of Fame and a handful of awards more.
Click here to vote.