OFB, the collective from Tottenham, Broadwater farm estate have released the remix to the drill anthem ‘Youngest in charge’.
‘Youngest in charge’ is by drill rapper SJ, he is part of OFB and released music alongside his friends Double Lz and Bandokay, but in early 2020 he was found guilty of murder and given 21 years, a verdict he and his fellow OFB member continue to argue against claiming SJ is in fact innocent.
‘Youngest in charge’ was released on the 2nd of June 2019, a few days before on the 16th May 2019 SJ was arrested. The video currently sits on over 24 million views and is deemed a classic by most drill fans.
SJs arrest came as the trio of Double LZ, Bandokay and SJ began to take off, the trio who were only aged 17 and 18 at the time gained massive recognition following the release of their hit ‘Ambush’, which similarly to ‘Youngest in charge’ had a hold on the drill scene at the time and currently sits on 24 million views.
It was widely reported that before SJ was arrested he was offered a music deal worth £100,000.
The remix was released via Press play and featured OFB members Dezzie, Izzpott and SJs regular collaborators, Double Lz and Bandokay, son of Mark Duggan whose murder at the hand of the British police led to the 2011 London riots.
The remix is shot at the same location as the original track and features clips from the original video, due to SJ not being able to be there due to him currently serving a 21-year jail sentence.
The video for The ‘Youngest in charge’ Remix is available to watch here: