The famous Liverpool venue, The Cavern Club, may face closure in the coming months. The club has lost £30.000 a week, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The club is preparing to open at 30% capacity. This follows the government’s guidance on the re-opening of music venues on the 15th August, provided they adhere to social distance policy.
The city’s mayor Joe Anderson claimed that ‘the fact that the world-famous Cavern could close forever‘ should ‘bring home to the Government how much our hugely treasured music industry is in peril’, due to the current pandemic.
The Cavern Club’s reputation as a legendary venue materialised following the success of a local band, who would perform at the club regularly. The band, named The Beatles, developed into the the most influential group in musical history.
The mayor continued, in an article for the local Liverpool Echo, that ‘the prospect of losing a national jewel like The Cavern is a horrible scenario for all concerned, be they Beatles fans, music lovers and above all those whose livelihoods depend on it‘.
Bill Heckle, the clubs director, has warned that the Government must ‘expedite this issue with the utmost urgency‘ to ensure that ‘when lockdown is over our music venues and cultural way of life is there for us to return to and enjoy. again‘.
The prospect at losing the Cavern Club is beyond comprehension for music fans. The intimate venue is synonymous with British music, and to lose it would strip the nation of a shining cultural jewel.