The three artists nominated for the Brits Critics Choice have been released today, they are:
Adele esque singer-songwriter Frances
21 year old soul singer Izzy Bizu
Electronic soul singer Jack Garratt
All three singers are experiencing a vast growth in their musical reputations, with Izzy Bizu releasing an album early next year, Frances having supported Sam Smith and James Bay recently and Jack Garratt being heavily endorsed by music giant Rick Rubin.
The winner of the Brits Critics Choice is often destined for great things and proves to be a good sign of whether or not a musician ‘makes it’ in the industry. This is seen through past winners being remarkably successful, for example James Bay won last year and has gone from strength to strength, Sam Smith won in 2014 and has just finished doing the James Bond theme song! But of course most successfully was a singer-songwriter from London who won in 2008, it was of course musical superstar Adele!
The winner will of course be announced during the annual Brit Awards, which will be on February 24th 2016, further details on the awards ceremony can be seen here on a previous article.
It’ll be difficult to predict a winner from the three, as all three will almost definitely have a very successful career in music despite whether or not they win. The emerging trend of electronic based singer-songwriters is so hugely prominent at the moment that all three singers have it within themselves to be on the music scene for a while.