British indie band Blossoms interview fellow Manchurian, rapper Aitch in the latest episode, entitled ‘The Incredible Look,’ of their podcast series ‘Pubcast.’
Promoting the release of ‘The Incredible Look’ on Instagram, Blossoms wrote: “Myles describes ‘The Incredible Look’ Brand new episode of a Blossoms Pubcast, ‘The Incredible Look’, is out now! This week we’re joined by @aitch who chats to us about his Top 5 Songs From Manchester Listen to the brand new Blossoms Pubcast episode from the link in our bio.”
In the interview with UK rapper Aitch, Blossoms ask about his personal music taste; he said: “I’m all over to be honest, obviously rap probably goes without saying …there was a certain period where I was 50 cents biggest fan, a 50 cent thing, my life revolved around 50 cent yeah. And then I got a bit older and I went through a like Wiz Khalifa stage, you know about Wiz Khalifa, obviously? And there’s been like stages in between that… it’s always been a rap thing, I’ve always liked rap, I’ve always had my favourite rapper and whatever, but then my dad’s always been running with Stone Roses, Oasis, I used to listen to a band called Razor Light.” He continues: “It’s like the proper use of instruments isn’t always there with the rap thing. Recently, when I’ve been working on stuff and that, we’ve been trying to do like a little bit.”
When the Stockport band asked Aitch about where he’s from, he touched on how he grew up in Moston and his fondness for the band’s hometown, he said: “Stockports got a little place in my heart for mad reasons.. you know obviously about pie radio? It’s more like a rap kind of vibe, but it’s like a community thing. So basically, I used to go to Stockport… and do like radio sets, grime sets and spit bars, you know what I’m saying? Just do my thing.”
‘Pubcast’ is released weekly by the Manchester band and is set at their namesake, The Blossom Pub. In a statement accompanying their podcast series, Blossoms wrote: “Welcome to the award-winning* Blossoms Pubcast, recorded live with band members Tom, Charlie, Josh, Joe and Myles from The Blossoms pub on the A6 in Stockport. Each week, the lads greet you into their local for a swift half, top laugh and all kinds of rum malarkey. There’s tall tales, sound advice, crank calls, and the ‘Sixth Blossom’ – Charlie’s Granddad John. It’s a bit like Cheers… but set in Shaw Heath rather than Boston. Enjoy! *100% school attendance record, 2005.” The reference to school attendance is an ode to how band members Tom and Joe met. They became friends on a school trip to Alton Towers that they bagged by having a 100% attendance for that school year.
You can listen to ‘Pubcast’ now on Apple Podcasts.