Earlier this month the progressive rocker trio, Black Midi, kicked off their 2023 tour around the globe. They got the show on the road on the 5th March in London playing an all time special, four consecutive day, live edition at the Village Underground venue. They all sold out instantly and have plunged a great start to their big journey ahead.
Probably consumed by the mountain of work ahead of them, they hiccuped when posting the dates on their website by dating the gigs in 2022 instead of 2023. So, bare that in mind if checking for their assigned days on their page.
Picking up again on the 24th of March, the band will be flying off to carry out another 22 gigs in Australian, New Zealand and US soil. A lot of Canadians weren’t too happy with the new dates. They were expecting to be granted a visit from the British rock twisters and have expressed their dismay via Black Midi’s social media.
From the 24th to the 26th March the band will be visiting Wellington and Auckland in New Zealand, of which one of them is already sold out. Following after this, from the 28th March to the 2nd April they will be playing in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth in Australia, already partly sold out.
Trailing after, they will be making their way to the US on the 8th of June to play in 15 different American cities. Starting off in Philadelphia and finishing off in Boston on the 8th of July, 2023. Once finished in the US they will round up the tour by an added three gigs in the UK playing at Latitude Festival on the 23rd July, We Out Here Festival on the 11th August, All Points East on the 25th August and a, fairly random, gig in Spain, Torremolinos on the 24th August.
The band’s last LP release was their third studio album Hellfire in 2022. Ever since their debut album Schlagenheim in 2019, the band have not been short of representing their untiring hell. Through stories and hellbound characters they manage to siv their way around humanity’s nastiest aspects in existence. Playing around with math rock delusions and experimental post-rock madness the band dedicated their songwriting to be almost unplayable live.
Their latest release, however, was Live Fire. An only physically distributed album of their live performance in Primavera Sound, Porto. They interpret Hellfire through a more loosened and cheeky manner compared to the studio recordings. The texture given to the workpiece if a unique feel.
Tickets for all their coming live gigs went live on Friday, 3rd of March.
Click here for tickets.
UK Tour Dates:
23/07/2023 – Latitude Festival – Suffolk
11/08 – We Out Here Festival – Dorset
25/08 – All Points East – London