Brighton Duo have delighted fans today with a music video for their first single release of 2021, ‘Typhoons,’ which is the title track of their hotly anticipated third album which will be released 30th of April and is available for pre-order now. The video follows a week after the single was released with their 2020 release ‘Trouble’s Coming,’ included as a B Side. The band continue to pound out dirty, sweaty blues rock in an era of hyper-polished pop music, with the simplicity of their distorted bass and simple drums beat formula ringing true even bow six years after they first emerged from the Brighton Indie scene in 2014.
The music video for ‘Typhoons,’ is both reflective of the lyrics’ apocalyptic content and also refreshingly British, with shots of the London skyline opening the video and a classic grey sky which we in Britain all know so well. The shots have a beautifully ordinary feel with the due performing the track from a rooftop, dressed like ordinary guys and the rest of the shots showing hoards ordinary looking Brits running across the city before reaching the band’s rooftop and sprinting around them in a circle to produce a human typhoon. The guy sky turns to a stormy black at this point in the video and reflects the rising tension as the song reaches its climax.
The video has landed to a vastly positive reception, with the Youtube upload clocking up 71,959 views in just six hours since its premier. It’s hardly surprising that a video from one of Britain’s most explosive Indie Rock bands of the last decade has been well received at this time, with the country locked up and missing live music more than ever. Those of us who are familiar with the band will already know that one thing Royal Blood does very well is live music, with the intimate, sweaty low tier gigs of their early career reaching a legendary status in the community of Rock fans that admire them so much.
The band have also managed to achieve what few artists have really realised the need for during this time and managed to make their music video feel like a physical release. What I mean by this is that as well as the awesome music video, the description box is absolutely crammed full with all the extra content you might expect to find in a CD or Vinyl. The description first informs the audience that their new album, also named ‘Typhoons,’ is to be released on the 30th of April and is available to pre-order. Then follows an exhaustive credit list of everyone involved in making the video and what all vinyl junkies crave for, the full song lyrics and even sleeve liner notes which give us the history of Royal Blood and a description of their accolades.
It is very exciting to be looking forward to a new Royal Blood album in 2021 which may now look to be a very good year for British music, we can only hope that live shows will follow.